NaNoWriMo?!? Completed it Mate!

Writing in Public — (Update #50)

Malachi Dingis
2 min readDec 5, 2023


Just to be completely honest… I actually stopped doing NaNoWriMo after 25,287 words 😬

The ultimate goal is to write a book. If I ploughed on to achieve my goals of 30,000 words, I would have hit my NaNoWriMo goal, but that would take me further away from my ultimate goal — WRITE A DAMN BOOK!

I’ll be writing a more in depth article about what I learnt from my NaNoWriMo experience, but here are 3 things I learnt on that journey:

1️⃣ — Your life is so much more interesting than you think. Or at least more relevant than you think. Share it and see how people connect.

2️⃣ — It’s going to be hard, and that’s kind of the point. It’s an opportunity to prove to yourself you can be a writer.

3️⃣ — Your first draft will most likely be rubbish. But you can’t let your ego get in the way of completing it.

What’s Next?

I’ll be working my way through the draft and trying to make it readable. That’s the only thing I need to do before the end of the year.

Further reading — I’ve added 2 links to the comments:

🔳- My substack newsletter — the algorithm can make it hard to keep up with my updates, so you can sign up for my newsletter and never miss a thing!

🔳- You can check out the draft. It still isn’t quite Draft Number 1 (Let’s call it Draft Zero)



Malachi Dingis

I’m Building (writing) in Public - A book called “Deep Good - Purpose: The Antidote to Happiness” Follow my journey here -