NaNoWriMo?!? Completed it Mate!

Writing in Public — (Update #50)

Malachi Dingis
2 min readDec 5, 2023


Just to be completely honest… I actually stopped doing NaNoWriMo after 25,287 words 😬

The ultimate goal is to write a book. If I ploughed on to achieve my goals of 30,000 words, I would have hit my NaNoWriMo goal, but that would take me further away from my ultimate goal — WRITE A DAMN BOOK!

I’ll be writing a more in depth article about what I learnt from my NaNoWriMo experience, but here are 3 things I learnt on that journey:



Malachi Dingis

I’m Building (writing) in Public - A book called “Deep Good - Purpose: The Antidote to Happiness” Follow my journey here -