Malachi Dingis
2 min readApr 22, 2024


I’m sorry. I tried. But the draft ZERO ain’t ready.

I spent 12 hours in one day going through the draft zero, getting it ready for Beta readers.

But I don’t want you to read it yet.

I mean, you could literally read my book right now!

But it’s just not cohesive enough.

Think of it like this. I have created a recipe for the BEST chocolate cake. (Just imagine. I’m not saying this book will be the best thing since sliced cake).

A little taste of the batter might give you a flavour of what the cake will be.

But it’s not cake. And the batter will never taste the cake.

And I don’t want you to judge the batter.

I only want you to judge my deliciously thicc, chunky cake when it’s ready.


And right now, I’m faffing around with a whole lot of batter.

To get ready for Beta readers (I haven’t forgotten about you) I printed off my script and made notes on real paper.

I found that reading it out loud and writing a note by hand helped me keep momentum through the editing slog.

Writing a book is a long journey (16 months so far!), so anything to keep it spicy. Like a love life. Though, taking notes doesn’t work as well as you’d think.

JUST One More Thing — 1️⃣

One of the most captivating stories I’ve ever heard.

I’ll add a link below to Dave Chapelles “Unforgiven”, but it’s a masterpiece.

Both in content and delivery. It’s just a masterpiece.

Sometimes lewd, but always engaging.

The climax of this book is Jireh (the main character in my book) delivers a speech that brings everyone to tears. I’m hoping that scene captures some of whatever Dave Chappelle exudes here.



Malachi Dingis

I’m Building (writing) in Public - A book called “Deep Good - Purpose: The Antidote to Happiness” Follow my journey here -